Media Development is always the extention of a proven analogy.  “A picture is worth a 1,000 words.”  When you think of this, Advok8 Media Development has been dedicated since 1993 to prove this.  Advertising, Marketing, Strategic Planning, MAPP’ing and thought leadership all have been supplimented by our creative way in using media.  Our portfolio is full of these types of examples.

This is not something we can convey simply in a web site.  It is something that you have to experience in working with us.  “Just this week, in meeting with a client, after two hours they exclaimed that they had never progressed on the given topic as much as they had allowing us to lead them through it.”  says Steve Day.  “It is because of our talent to visualize opportunity, solutions and problems.”

Some of the ways we uniquely use media development to help our clients.

Facilitation of Strategy Meetings – As an outside resource, we facilitate one to five-day strategic planning meetings for our clients. Assembling a client selected group of thought leaders, we conduct a facilitated process that captures “change thoughts,” “big ideas,” “problem areas,” and “game changers.” Acting within the time constraints of the facilitation, we then force the ranking of these turnaround ideas, and the selection of a “few” that would substantially help the organization.

Intensive Organizational Turnaround Project – As a turnaround consultant, we work over one to three months within the organization to discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). We also research all externalities that may be either negatively or positively impacting the organization. With this, we will assemble and present a report on our best course of action for the organization.

Mergers and Acquisitions Project – Many times, the best course of action is to buy or sell the organization as a whole. We will build a prospectus, a photographic representation of the organization, and solicit buys/sellers. Most recently, we have worked with Ernst and Young, International to present a $1B operating entity for sale. Our role was packaging all relevant facts about this large manufacturing entity, as well as building numerous photo galleries and videos about the business.

Product Launch Projects – One of the most common frustrations by leadership is their perception of the product launch.  They spend so much money, time and effort to develop a product.  Then, they see it introduced to their market with a “whisper.”  There are lots of reasons for this, but mostly it starts with a failure to visualize a big enough vision for the launch.  There is an old saying in marketing, “Go big or go home.”  Seeing a company spend two years developing a product, and then seeing it simply displayed with a product data sheet is a complete failure in launch.  Yet it happens all the time.  What makes this even worse is that the failure rate for most commercial products is well over 80%.  Advok8 Media Development is a perfect hire to complete turnkey product launches.