Sales Process and Growth Improvement

The ability to work within the existing confines of the sales organization to improve those things that add time, cost or risk to closing sales

how have you changed your sales organization

150 150 STEVE DAY

Reimagining the sales process. Gone for good? 1. Planes, trains, and automobiles (Who wants to get on a plane?) 2. Face 2 face cold calling (“Block”, “Spam”, “Junk” are the thing) 3. Trade shows ($200,000 booth, salesmen like penguins in a line at the edge of the booth) 4. Drinks and links (My husband/wife/partner is…

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Growth through lower cost per sale

150 150 STEVE DAY

The cost per sale transaction is something that must be redefinied carefully. Driving sales towards an inside sales model can reduce cost, but in turn, reduce conversion rates. Outside executive sales can increase costs, but in turn, increase conversion rates. If these are the two extremes, it becomes important to define what lives between the…

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B2B COVID and Sales Growth for the Future

150 150 STEVE DAY

Advok8 talks about our way of looking at B2B sales and the effective concepts moving through COVID and beyond.

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Time to Rethink the Sales Process

275 184 STEVE DAY

The sales process has been changing for years.  Covid-19 simply is an incredibly large and late arriving motivator.  We will never return to the travelling salesperson days.  It is not because there will never be a vaccine or cure, it is because the sales process has been changing. Ask yourself a few questions: Will you…

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Marketing and Sales After Covid-19

1024 717 STEVE DAY

I have been asked how marketing and sales will change. Covid-19 is a game-changer, but has both long and short term implications. I wanted to provide some quick-hit answers, and of course, Advok8 is ready to help: Strategy – We will be more concerned about the fragile nature of the supply chain and the emergency and disaster protocols. We…

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All I have learned, OK Boomer!

996 560 STEVE DAY

I think that it is entirely appropriate for our future or younger generational people to eat their elders. We have been doing it forever. I remember being young and thinking that my older counterparts were full fo shit. So I get it. So, how do we harmonize the boomer knowledge with the younger effort? Oh,…

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